Kettlebells eBook - 30 Days of Workouts (includes videos!)
If you thought kettlebells were only for swinging, this ebook will make you think again! 30 days of widely varied workouts, from AMRAPs to EMOMs and goblet squats to reverse Turkish get-ups. The program follows a 3 days on/1 day off schedule and is a great way to introduce new movements and workout formats into your routine!
Some workouts do require (2) kettlebells, so it would be nice if you had access to two at the same weight, but if not it’s okay, you can still make it work with one.
Every day is very unique and should have no problem keeping your enthusiasm!
This program is a great tool for bettering yourself as an all-around athlete, and with so little necessary equipment, these workouts can be done just about anywhere!
*I suggest a 53lb KB for men and a 35lb for women most of the time. For advanced, I suggest 70lb for men and 53lb for women. However, these are all subjective to the person. In a gym setting these would be your typical numbers.
Recommended equipment (in addition to kettlebells)*:-Pull-up bar
-Box (for box jumps and dips)
*if you don't have access to these things, don't worry! Suggestions for modifications are given in the book.
*Sample Workout
For Time:
2 Kettlebells needed for this one:
10 KB Hang Snatch (right arm) 53/35b
10 KB Hang Snatch (left arm)
10 KB Thrusters with both arms
9 KB Hang Snatch (right arm) 53/35b
9 KB Hang Snatch (left arm)
9 KB Thrusters with both arms
...Then 8 of all that ...Then 7 ... All the way down to 1.
*If you didn't have 2 KBs today, just switch off every other round on the thrusters OR split the reps each side. No biggy :)
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